Kiev oblast. – one of the constituent parts of the country Ukraine. The occupied area is 28 121 square kilometers. The region is located in the middle reaches of the Dnieper River. The region is mainly located on the right bank. Kiev oblast. its northern part occupied the Polesie lowland, and the left-bank (eastern) – the Dnieper lowland. The maximum height in the region reaches 100-140 meters. The Dnieper Upland was occupied by the Central and South-Western parts, where the relative height reaches 273 meters. The territory of this region is entirely attributed to the Dnieper River basin, which at the moment is the most important waterway in the region. Within the Kiev region. The Dnieper flows for 246 kilometers and has tributaries:
Right: Pripyat, Teterev, Ros, Irpen, Stugna;
Left: Trubezh, Soup, Desna.
Outside the border of the Kiev region. The Supoy and Ros tributaries flow into the river. There are 177 rivers flowing in the region, there are a small number of lakes, most of which are located in the north. Within the region there are:
Kanevskoe reservoir.
The main part of the “Kiev Sea”, the length of which is 110 kilometers, the width reaches 12 kilometers, the area is 922 square kilometers, the average depth reaches 4 meters, the volume is 3.73 thousand cubic kilometers.
On the territory of this region there are: 13 reservoirs, about 750 medium-sized lakes and more than two thousand small ponds.