Donetsk region on the map

Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions of Ukraine are adjacent to Donetsk in the southwest and northwest. Luhansk and Zaporozhye regions approach it from the north-east and west. In the southeast, the region is adjacent to Russia (Rostov region), and on the south, the border runs along the Sea of ​​Azov. Donetsk region stretches from south to north, and its mileage is 255 km, and from east to west it stretches for 180 km. The total length of its borders is 1526 km., 1376 km. which pass by land, and 140 km. – by sea.

The highest point of the region is the height of 336 m. It is located near the railway, at the stops in Debaltseve: Meteorological and Platform No. 3. The most low-lying area is the sea surface (-0.4 m). There are few rivers in the region, the largest of them is the Seversky Donets, a tributary of the Don is in the north. Several small rivers flow into the Sea of ​​Azov. There are no large lakes here, but there are many reservoirs.

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