Kherson on a Map

One of the major sea and river ports of Ukraine is Kherson. The city is located on the right bank of the Dnieper River, 25 kilometers from its confluence with the Dnieper estuary of the Black Sea.

The Kherson seaport, founded in 1778, is located there. At the end of the 19th century, the ship channel was deepened, and the port became capable of ensuring large traffic. There is also a river port interconnected with the sea one. Located on the right bank of the Koshevaya River, this port is the only estuary river port of the Dnieper with year-round navigation.

In the southern part of Kherson, the full-flowing Dnieper formed numerous lakes. Its several tributaries bend around the southern part of the city. In the southwest and northeast, there are vineyards and orchards. The north-western edge is an industrial zone separated from residential areas by the Novonikolaevskoe highway. An automobile bridge, a part of the Ostrovskoe highway, connects the left and right banks of the Dnieper.

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